Sunday, November 9, 2008

worked on this video, did not put sound on it, the beginning is much too fast, might as well. am debating if i should just interview profs in emily carr, about animation, architecture, because there is not really much time left, the presentation is in eleven days, and i am constantly working on preparing this animation, which is kind of annoying and fun @ the same time.
the main prob is how to find really good writers, without paying them, so maybe something like a writers collective, or a blog or something, might go on archinect and canadian animators, basically this should have a bunch of people who like to write and know tons of stuff about the subjects and are just very interested in these kind of matters. it kind of seems very daunting to do. i could ask for submissions or put papers up around vfs, around ubc- soa, but there is really no time for people to submit anything at this time, so 2 this time everything is 2 a nice cul-de-sac, at a road to nowhere. well, might as well. at least the animation 4 the presentation is marching along, so is the blog

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