Thursday, November 13, 2008

how many more days till the presentation?

in a week i have to have finished my resaerch 4 this, actually this being 2:49, i will have given the presentation, talked for 15 minutes, answered questions for five, stagefright is gripping me by the throat already. wrote one more essay for the prototype, seemed to be kind of on the incoherent, illogical side. am not really very keen about interviewing anyone anymore, i guess i did the fieldwork for this, should now move into making the stuff, because i'd rather have tangible results, tactile stuff like a prototype of a magazine 2 show and tell, a finished blog with more animations on it, as fascinating as research is, it kind of seems to get to the point where it becomes over researched, there is not really time to go through all the books that are suggested reading for the topic, i will kind of distill it to read blurbs, to go thru the notes from my humanities class, my prof is dr. patrick chan, he knows an immense amount about deleuze, about architecture as it relates to film, as it is situated within theoretical discourse and that class definately pushes my research for this class in2 the right direction, anyhow, am couped up way too much in front of my laptop, need fresh air, sun, that kind of vital stuff, wind in my face, sun air and last not least motion, leafy streets of fall, here i come

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