Thursday, November 13, 2008


before i forget i would like to just jot down that we had three very articulate labor union representatives in class today who talked about union relations in the film industry and at one point one of them made a comparision between the labor disputes in the film industry and labor disputes in the construction industry and me trying to link construction/ building and film took of course note, because this is about the real footsoldiers that enable construction, enable film, the workerdrones, their rights, their situation.
another thing worth mentioning is a film i found on you tube which was by this person who said that her or his preoccupation lies in architecture and skateboarding, once more motion and static and she or he ( i think it was a he) made a film about that which was pretty good, was kind of nice to see that i am not the only geek who tries to combine stuff they are interested in

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